What are the health risks of obesity? Obesity today is officially an epidemic; it is arguably the most pressing public health problem we face. The United Nations reported that in 2000 the number of people suffering from overnutrition–a billion–had officially surpassed the number suffering from malnutrition–800 million.”
Health Risks Of Obesity
Chocolates are pure bliss. Should you like to taste a piece of heaven, have a slice of that caramel cake. Take a bite, indulge. Forget about the veggies. Fruits will give you the juice but nothing can beat the sugar rush a bottle of soda can bring. Oh the carbs! Who can say no to carbs? Just say yes and give in, and while living la vida loca, just make sure you’re brave enough to face the consequences. Because with every bite of that junk food, you’re digging your own grave and you’re one step closer to death. To say that the health risks of obesity are alarming is indeed an understatement. As a matter of fact, the World Health of Organizations (WHO) considers obesity as a worldwide epidemic causing billions of lives. Obesity is defined by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) as a Body Mass Index (BMI) of 30 and above. BMI, a key index for relating body weight to height, is a person’s weight in kilograms divided by their height in meters squared. Since the BMI describes the body weight relative to height, it correlates strongly with the total body
Views On The Health Risks Of Obesity
Obesity has nearly doubled worldwide since 1980. And when it used to be a problem of wealthy nations, now the deathly fangs of the health risks of obesity can also be felt dramatically in low and middle-income countries. Cardiovascular disease lands on the number one spot among the various health risks of obesity. Hypertension and stroke are the world’s notorious killers related to heart disease. True enough carrying extra fat leads to other serious health problems such as some cancers (endometrial, breast and colon), musculoskeletal disorders like osteoarthritis, and diabetes. The momentarily bliss given to us by the sugary and high calorie foods can give us long term suffering in the end. The health risks of obesity do not only affect the individuals who abused their bodies and misused the gift of freewill but also cripple their respective families who shoulder the expenses and grief.
Health Risks Of Obesity Weight Loss
Today, the call for change is now being seriously pushed and encouraged by different worldwide health agencies, countries and even big industries. Evidently, the “low carb” or “low fat” fad has led many companies to develop their products and lessen the health risks of obesity. The continuous efforts to promote healthy/balanced diet and daily exercise are being inculcated to people of all ages even to young children. As most people do not know, obesity starts at a very young age, when someone doesn’t even know yet the word “self-control.” The health risks of obesity start when someone is only slightly overweight. And the worse they get when someone becomes heavier and heavier. Thus the need to teach children and parents to opt for a healthy lifestyle and nutritious diet is very crucial.
Chocolates or vegetables? Donuts or whole grains and nuts? Sleep all day or exercise? Don’t say I didn’t warn you. Because in the end, our choices will define our fate and what road you take will determine if you get the health risks of obesity.