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After contacting the casino (Flamingo) they said to either wait until we came back and. And don't make fun of me forgetting to cash in my chips or I may cry...or go the. if you know someone who is going anytime soon, sell the chips to them.
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I started collecting casino chips during my fist visit to Las Vegas 2004.. I have 100's of different Chips for sale in Rube's Casino Chip Store with more being ...
After contacting the casino (Flamingo) they said to either wait until we came back and. And don't make fun of me forgetting to cash in my chips or I may cry...or go the. if you know someone who is going anytime soon, sell the chips to them.
I buy and sell gambling chips (casino, ivory, pearl, poker,crest and seal) small. a link to my site map/sales lists (and educational exhibits and links); what I ...

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My understanding is that as the play chip market has become more well-known, the sites that have been buying and selling them have become ...
Defo have tried Ebay but I've found they only sell the chips as singles. but I wouldn't want poker cards within 100 metres from my house, and I ...
I have always collected chips from the vegas strip casinos. I some how. I sold off my collection a year or two ago and lost a bit of money on it.

Reddit - BigFishCasino - Selling Big fish casino chips!Selling big fish casino bars!big fish casino chips cheap!

After contacting the casino (Flamingo) they said to either wait until we came back and. And don't make fun of me forgetting to cash in my chips or I may cry...or go the. if you know someone who is going anytime soon, sell the chips to them.
We've been selling chips online since 1997.... and won't stop till I'm gone! The Colorado Casino Chip Exchange specializes in Collectible Casino Chips and ...

When playing craps, I will sometimes save a dollar chip as a souvenir.
Next time I go to Vegas, I'm thinking about getting a dollar chip from each casino I visit, regardless if I play craps at the casino or not.
Is it considered bad form to just walk up to a table game and purchase one chip and not play?
Can you buy chips directly from the cashier window where you normally exchange your chips for cash?
I would walk up to the cashier and get a chip.
I would say it is more discourteous to the other players to hold up the sell my casino chips for that purpose, but then again it is no different than the person who walks up, buys in and plays one hand before leaving!
Yeah buy at the cage.
People do this all the time, and often the cashier will dig through the drawer and try to find a really clean one for you.
It's also acceptable to purchase from a table where there are no players.
I did that once, and the dealer actually took two stacks of reds and spread them out so I can pick the one I wanted.
Superstitions are read article, childish, irrational rituals, born out of fear of the unknown.
But how much does it cost to knock on wood?
Religion is nothing more than organized superstition.
Next time I go to Vegas, I'm thinking about getting a dollar chip from each casino I visit, regardless if I play craps at the casino or not.
Is it considered bad form to just walk sell my casino chips to a table sell my casino chips and purchase one chip and not play?
Can you buy chips directly from the cashier window where you normally exchange your chips for cash?
continue reading all the time.
That's how we all put our chip collections together.
Dealers are used to it.
Just don't buy a stack of 20 whites and then sit there at the BJ table going through 'em looking for the cleanest, sharpest edged ones.
Years ago many casinos used metal coins on table games also used as dollar slot coinsthe only game you could buy the clay chips was the crap table.
I guess folks tossing the dollar coins for hardways bets sell my casino chips up the felt.
Don't forget to put together complete roulette chip sets from each casino, and often baccarat uses different denoms, and sometimes larger, chips.
Commemorative chips are sometimes only available at the cage.
Grand Opening chips after the casino's been open a few https://chicago-lawyer.info/casino/ft-lauderdale-casino-rental-houses.html, anniversary chips, WSOP chips at the Rio, concerts or other events at Hard Rock and Palms, boxing chips at MGM, etc won't be found out on the sell my casino chips at all sell my casino chips people carry them home.
On the wall by the cages at Harrahs and Palms are displays of all the commemorative chips still available at the cage.
Palms seems to specialize in Playboy chips btw, many still out on the floor.
Some places, like Mirage comes to mind, never do commemoratives.
Quote: blount2000 When playing craps, I will sometimes save a dollar chip as a souvenir.
Next time I go to Vegas, I'm thinking about getting a dollar chip from each casino See more visit, regardless if I play craps sell my casino chips the casino or not.
Is it considered bad form to just walk up to a table game and purchase one chip and not play?
Can you buy chips directly from the cashier window where you normally exchange your chips for cash?
A friend of mine is a dealer and says he gets that request once in a while and will search through the rack for the cleanest chip.
Quote: DJTeddyBear It's also acceptable read more sell my casino chips from a table where there are no players.
I did that once, and the dealer actually took two stacks of reds and spread them out so I can pick the one I wanted.
I prefer to go to an empty Roulette table which might be harder to find in Vegas than before.
I have over 200 chips in my collection, if you are looking to buy a bulk amount of chips a good place to go to is Spinettis, near downtown.
If you buy in bulk you can talk them into doing 1.
Ill post pictures of my chip collection soon.
Three-Card Poker is usually completely vacant.
There were no problems with any of this.
Its one lousy buck and some woman who wants fond memories of the casino and may be back someday.
They were perfectly happy and the table wasn't all that crowded or busy anyway.
I don't see why casinos are uptight about it.
Its chip that will never be cashed so its pure profit for them and its going to be shown to friends and relatives.

How to Shuffle Poker Chips

278 279 280 281 282

I buy, sell and trade Casino Tokens, also referred to as Gaming Tokens, Gambling Tokens, and Slot Tokens.. in tokens, or If you have a token collection you would like to sell.. Tokens for trade or sale.


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