Fireball is one of the hottest cosmic games ever developed by Bally Technologies!
click a towering, eye-catching, upper screen and upbeat music, Fireball offers Our loyal fan base has been asking for Fireball to be developed as a mobile application and Bally is delivering.
Fireball is one of the hottest cosmic games ever developed by Bally Technologies!
Be a shooting star and play Fireball today for your chance at winning galactic riches.
Towering Progressive Levels of Action!
Try your luck with eight different and exciting progressive levels offered in the Fireball Bonus Game-in-Game feature.
Blazing 7s 7x Pay, Fireball Frenzy, Triple Jackpot Triple Blazing 7s, Triple Bonus Frenzy, Double Jackpot Triple Blazing 7s, Diamond Line, Https://chicago-lawyer.info/free-slots/pokerstrategy-com-en-espaol.html Frenzy, and Blazing fireball frenzy slot free offer the cosmic payouts that are out of this world!
Each game-in-game features its own payouts and breathtaking fun, so be sure to play until you win them all!
Planetary explosions trigger galactic fun fireball frenzy slot free the extremely popular Fireball bonus.
Awarded by three or more Fireball symbols in a single game spin each triggering Fireball symbol fireball frenzy slot free shoots through the galaxy colliding with a mini-game-in-game which then displays its unique pay table and game-in-game action for additional winnings.
Up to eight Fireball symbols can be awarded in a single spin, so the game-in-game excitement is almost too hot to handle!
Wild SymbolThe Wild Symbol, on reels 2, 3, and 4, adds to the cosmic continue reading />The Wild Symbol substitutes for all symbols except the Fireball symbol.
The chances to win increase with every Wild!
Game CenterIncorporating the use of Game Center, players earn special award symbols through this smoking hot and exciting application.
Special wins have been targeted to award achievement icons as they are earned during game play.
Be the first on the leader board to fireball frenzy slot free all of your achievements filled as you play Fireball!
Game LocatorDo you want to play for real?
This game is for amusement only and does not replicate the odds of winning or the payouts of similar Bally games.
The Fireball slot machine from Bally shouldn't be confused with the company's. Diamond Line; Fireball Frenzy; Triple Bonus Frenzy; Blazing Sevens 7x Pay ...
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