A look at some of the many new games at Twin River Casino Hotel in Lincoln RI
Rhode Island lawmakers won big money for local charities by playing in a blackjack tournament at the state-operated and state-regulated Twin River Casino last week, even as some observers raised questions about their participation.
Also among the top finishers were state Rep.
One of the reasons we fought for Separation of Powers was because of shenanigans with legislators on the Lottery Commission.
Now legislators are playing VIP instead of conducting actual oversight like blackjack tournament twin river should.
You have a statutory, legislative responsibility to oversee more info operation.
But I can see your point on this one.
They also said that Bates and Sen.
Slater will program vip food for hundreds of struggling people in his district who are in dire need of assistance from the church pantry, especially around the holidays.
Ciccone still with union State Sen.
Frank Ciccone confirms that the leadership of Local 808 of the Laborers International Union of North America has voted to keep him on payroll as a consultant after he steps aside as its business manager in February.
Ciccone resigned as business manager of Local 808 and as president blackjack tournament twin river the Rhode Island Laborers District Council on Nov.
The reasons remain unexplained.
That job ends Feb.
Ciccone said details of his consulting arrangement with Local 808 have blackjack tournament twin river yet been worked out.
The union represents pockets of workers across state government, including the courts.
He was also treasurer of the state Blackjack tournament twin river Party from 2001 to 2002.
Also switching allegiances last week was North Providence Republican Town Committee Chairman Michael Grossi.
The Fung campaign, in a release last Monday, had listed him among two dozen city and town GOP chairpeople endorsing the mayor.
I was kind of miffed, actually.
Ken has a plan.
Grossi, blackjack tournament twin river is now the assistant treasurer, told WPRO he gave the other role up voluntarily.
Her name is Barbara Ann Fenton.
I am also chair of the Rhody Young Republicans and the Newport Republican City Committee, and VP of The Roosevelt Society.
She starts Monday in a job vacant since Jane Fusco left in May 2012.
Fogarty, the longtime legal counsel to the Senate president, is retiring Dec.
Shahagian, a staff attorney who also works for Harbor Holdings, https://chicago-lawyer.info/blackjack/handheld-blackjack-game.html taking his place.
Twitter: philmarcelo kgregg providencejournal.
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Man nabbed at Twin River attempting to convert thousands in cash
On December 14, Twin River Casino held its fourth annual Holiday Charity Blackjack Tournament. Thirty-six players participated on behalf of ...
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