Texas Holdem CASH GAME Poker Strategy Series: How to Play Poker Like the Pros
Nowadays, a lot of people get all of their information from the Internet by reading articles or watching videos.
Even so, I know a lot of you, like me, still enjoy sitting down and reading a good book.
However, navigating your way to the best poker books for beginners and intermediate players can be rather difficult.
Even Internet searches are generally not much help.
Many of the lists I see out there seem to be based more on reading the latest Amazon reviews and less about having actually read the book itself!
I am here to help with that, since I have read dozens of poker books, including all the ones on my list.
What is really needed is clarification on what are the best evergreen books for both cash games and MTT play.
Just keep in mind that my choices are not really for absolute beginners, but rather more intermediate players.
You will need some basic poker knowledge when it comes to the rules and strategy.
Please note that I have included links to all the books on Amazon for visit web page convenience.
First, I know some people are really busy, so here is the short version.
Assuming you have read many of the basic books out there, likeBest texas holdem cash game books would start with and absorb it completely before reading anything else.
It should be your bible going forward, especially for cash games.
No matter what your chosen game is, PNLH is a must read.
Additionally, and since most players will also play tournaments, I would also recommend that you read both article source first, then conclude with and.
Overall, both two-book series will give you a crash course on the type of play that you have to implement in order to survive in modern poker tournaments.
There really was very little good literature not best casino films think the subject of cash games at the time.
If you wanted to play cash games well, you basically had either or.
While they were both really important poker books for their time, by 2007 they had become a bit dated.
By planning your hand and creating profitable stack-to-pot ratios, you can more easily navigate post-flop planning and have confidence that you are committing your stack correctly.
Confused by what I am saying right now?
Then this is a must read for you.
Do not play another poker hand without absorbing every word of this book!
Automatic Poker fans will appreciate much of what PNLH has to offer since many of the concepts work very well for people who frequently play stacks best texas holdem cash game books big blinds and below.
Everyone is short-stacked in every tournament eventually, right?
Bottom line: If you have never delved into the thought processes of a professional poker player, prepare to have your mind blown completely away.
The Poker Tournament Formula books were written from the perspective of a professional Blackjack player.
His objective for the books was to come up with the true formula for crushing poker tournaments.
In other words, min-cashing often is nowhere near as good as busting most of the time but getting one of the top prizes occasionally.
The main idea is to get involved early and often in order to build chip utility.
Snyder introduces a controversial theory that the more chips you have, the more valuable each chip is.
This flies in the face of how most players view the value of chips due to the mathematical concept of ICM, which says that the fewer chips you have, the more each chip is worth.
I tend to side with Snyder on this one.
Have you ever had a mountain of chips in front of you during a tournament?
Having this many chips affords great freedom in choosing when to play a pot.
And while each chip might be worth less when compared to the prize pool, the value of the fear factor is a far bigger consideration in the early to middle stages of a tournament.
In my opinion, you have to understand both the ICM version and the Poker Tournament Formula versions equally.
The latter to navigate the early to middle stages, and the former to navigate the late stages where everyone is short.
Trust me, even if you are not primarily a tournament player, these books are worth https://chicago-lawyer.info/best/best-online-casino-machines.html />The first book covers the faster speed tournaments and the second book adjusts the strategy to play in deeper stacked events.
The final two books I recommend for intermediate players is the Kill Phil series.
I feel both books complement the Snyder books very well.
At the end of the day, both book series basically advocate a similarly aggressive style of play in tournaments.
Book 1, Kill Phil, lays out a very basic strategy, designed for true beginners who have difficulty playing post-flop.
I recommend this book to anyone who is more on the beginner end of poker.
For those with a bit of experience, you may want to just skip to book 2.
In my opinion, this book complements very nicely.
Both focus on aggressive strategies, but from different angles, with various ways of approaching different best texas holdem cash game books of tournaments.
My advice is to read both series and use different ideas from each book as a hybrid to complement your current style of play.
In what Order Do I Read These Books?
If I were getting started again and wanted to move from the beginner stage, I wish I had someone like me to tell me exactly how to proceed.
I specifically chose titles that I feel are more evergreen content and have stood the test of time.
I can confidently say if you read and implement all 5 of these poker books, your learning, and understanding of how to win money in poker will take a quantum leap forward.
Even advanced players could use some brushing up every once and a while, and these classics are the perfect books to have in your library for that purpose.
In fact, since I read them so often, some of these books on my shelf have come off the spine and are falling apart!
Additional Reading If you have read this far, here are a few titles I would recommend if you want to move on to more advanced poker topics.
These books also stand the test of time and would be a proud addition to any poker library.
Tommy Angelo is the author that coined that term!
Elements of Poker is extremely entertaining and really informative to read.
Angelo has a unique perspective when it comes to poker and his ideas are as profound as they are useful.
Many good poker books best texas holdem cash game books upon the foundation that Theory Of Poker has laid out.
I highly recommend this book, but maybe only after you are a fairly advanced player.
Even so, I feel it is a must-read for poker players.
Not as a cautionary tale, but instead as a look into the most brilliant poker mind to ever live.
Learn about life and how he approached the game of poker.
What would you consider a good tournament record?
A 20% cash rate?
Stu got top 3 in 21 out of 34 in his lifetime and won 10 out of 30 major tournaments.
Let that sink in.
I hope you have enjoyed this article.
If you want to know more about me, check out to learn best reno casinos />I also wrote a book on playing a stack under 50 big blinds, which is ideal for learning poker!
You will find my book compatible with the information found in the books I suggest.
Thanks for reading, and please let me know what your favorite books are and why in the comments below!
Jim is the author of the best-selling book called Automatic Poker.
He has been playing professionally for over 10 years and has helped countless people become winning poker players.
Using a no-nonsense mathematical and logical approach to beating the games, Jim has helped demystify what it takes to win money in No-Limit Hold'em.
If a persons just starting out.
You can also read my tutorial found on my home page, and if interested in online cash games try out my free short stacking strategy.
This way I know what I am buying.
I have been busy building the site but do plan to get back to it.
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How to Play Limit Hold'em
In this article we take a look at the 5 best poker books to improve your game!. your favorite poker site are all excellent ways of improving your game,.. Dan Harrington: Harrington on Hold'em Vol.. The 72-year old also recently expanded his bibliography by publishing two new volumes dealing with cash ...
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