It seems especially to newer players that what constitutes a winning hand, what the best five cards are, can be confusing.
So exactly what hand is the winner and why does it win?
The wikipedia articles are very good--I wrote many of them, although they've been edited a lot since.
There are variants to the game where players receive more than five cards and players have community cards.
However it is the best five cards of a player's hand that make their hand.
If the best five cards you have are not better than another player's best five cards you lose the pot.
If your five best five cards are the same as another player's best five cards you split the pot.
The hand rankings for five card poker games.
In other words no particular flush is better than another particular flush of the same five cards because one is of a particular suit.
Kickers only count when they are part of the best five cards.
A better sixth card has no bearing whatsoever in determining a winning hand.
Whatever the poker game is: it is always the best five cards.
However there can be variations with community card games as to where those best five cards are.
In Texas Holdem all players have seven cards, the two hole cards in their hand and the five community cards that make up the board.
Your best five cards are the best five of any of those seven cards.
With Omaha games your best five cards must consist of two cards in your hand and three cards on the board.
It is not the best five cards of the nine cards you hold.
In other variants of read article such as five card draw, Seven card stud etc.
Where you posses all your cards the best five cards rule still applies.
There are variants of poker that use other than the five card rule.
Texas Holdem and Omaha do not use other than the five card rule.
There is no condition in a five card hand where you can win the pot based on your sixth or seventh card.
There are no tie breakers unless your best five cards are better than your opponents best five cards.
When both players have one pair or two pair that tie, kickers determine the best five cards.
Only the highest straight wins, not the longest straight.
Example is AA234, the kicker is the 4.
AA345, the kicker is the 5.
The five is the key card that determines the best hand, commonly called the kicker.
Examples are almost futile.
There are virtually an unlimited number of hands possible.
The best five cards of a hand are a simple formula of what the best five cards in your hand are.
It is very basic, if your confused it is because you are reading into it more than it visit web page />There can only be five best cards to make a hand and they either beat, tie your opponents best five cards or are not better than your opponents hand.
Any thing beyond five cards is simple never used to determine the outcome.
The hand rankings list above in this post is truncated.
To provide a perfectly granulated list would require several more hours of typing, best hand in poker possible need to be able to fill in the blanks.
You should also understand that the five card rule is an abstract rule that only covers certain forms of poker and that best hand in poker possible are other forms of poker have nothing to do with the five card rule.
There are also variations on the five card rules that one should have a basic understanding of before they play a game.
It is simply harder to make one hand versus another.
Hole cards The cards in your hand.
In hold-em two cards.
Best five cards Every hand is exactly five cards.
Between your hole cards and board make your best hand.
You may play the board in holdem.
Card Rank Rank is Ace through 2.
Ace highest and 2 lowest.
Confusing that cards and hands both use the term rank.
Suit Suit is spade, club, heart, or diamond.
Kicker Kicker is a single card.
Kicker only comes into play when the main part of the hand is not five cards and can tie.
If the highest kicker ties then you just go to the next best hand in poker possible and so on.
Two pair and 4 of a kind hand is 1 kicker.
Trips have 2 kickers.
Nothing is all kickers.
Nuts Based on best slot game online board you have the best possible hand.
In most tournament play you are required to raise on the river if you have the nuts.
Odds Number of hands to play so get the hand.
So 99:1 is 1 in 100 hands.
These odds are based on 5 random cards not best 5 of 7.
The highest top card wins.
The highest for of a kind wins and a 5th card tie breaker.
Also best hand in poker possible a boat.
The three determines the high.
The top card determines the best.
Same rules as kicker in comparing />Ace is both high and low.
Ace through 5 is often called a click here />Ace through 10 is often called Broadway.
You cannot wrap on the ace - QKA23 is not a straight.
If both pair are the same rank then it is four of a kind.
The top pair wins.
Top pair can tie so in that case the lower pair is the tie breaker.
After that kicker rules.
After that kicker rules.
After that kicker rules.
Pretend you take the community cards, add your own hole cards and play a simple game of "construct the best hand" with it.
If the card combo "rank" is the same flush vs flushthen you want the highest ranking individual cards so A instead of K, 7 instead of 6.
Similarly, if you happen to have 3 possible pairs AA KK QQ J 7 cardsyou would want the highest pairs, so in this case AA KK and a single Q.
It's really a very intuitive concept.
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Poker hands are ranked in the order specified below, lowest to highest.. An ace-high straight flush is called a royal flush, the best possible hand in poker.
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