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Latest Law Updates and News:

C2C: The new e-discovery rules
On Dec. 1, electronic-discovery amendments to the Federal Rules of Civil Procedure will take effect and change forever how civil cases are litigated. In this week's legal-affairs podcast Coast to Coast , we discuss the new rules and their impact on lawyers and litigants. Joining my co-host J.Craig Williams and me to provide their insights are two e-discovery experts: Michele C.S. Lange , staff attorney in the Electronic Evidence Services group at Kroll Ontrack Inc. and author of the ABA book, Electronic Evidence and Discovery: What Every Lawyer Should Know , and Dennis Kennedy , well-known lawyer and legal technology consultant based in St. Louis, Mo. Episode home page . E-discovery show in MP3 format . E-discovery show in Windows Media format .

Formal Training and Mentoring Essential for Women Lawyers to Succeed

"There really needs to be early intervention with women at the earliest parts of their career - both developing technical expertise as a lawyer and also learning how to network and develop business. At the end of the day, that's what matters. You can be a great lawyer and sometimes that's good enough but more often than not, it's our ability to bring in business that makes the difference," says Nicole Nehama Auerbach , a partner at Katten Muchin Rosenman LLP (Chicago) and a founder and co-chair of the firm's Women's Leadership Forum, an initiative committed to the strategic retention and advancement of women within the firm and the legal industry. "Formal training and mentoring opportunities that are offered the moment women walk in the door will make a difference in developing strong women leaders for the future both for law firms and for corporations." Auerbach is available to discuss the need for women's initiatives in law firms and corporations and to write an article on the topic.

New legal-reporting site and blog
A program designed to prepare future journalists to cover legal affairs has launched a Web site and companion blog. The Carnegie Legal Reporting Program @ Newhouse is a program launched this year with a grant from the Carnegie Journalism Initiative . The program is based at Syracuse University's S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications . Companion to the new Web site is a blog, LawBeat , written by Mark Obbie , director of the program and former executive editor of The American Lawyer . The blog, Obbie says, "watches the journalists who watch the law. It is meant to start a conversation - here and in the classroom - about the quality of journalism focusing on the justice system, lawyers and the law."

Jury returns $48M verdict against Amerigroup in discrimination suit
[JURIST] A federal jury Monday returned a $48 million verdict against Amerigroup [corporate website] and its Illinois affiliate for discriminating against pregnant women by intentionally not reaching out to them while marketing its insurance services in I

How to Tell a Judge He Screwed Up
It turns out that judges are not infallible. Hon. Robert Gettelman shows lawyers the right way to handle a judge's error at trial. Free.

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