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Film event in Brisbane, QLD, Australia by Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art on Saturday, June 16 2018.
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Film event in Brisbane, QLD, Australia by Queensland Art Gallery/Gallery of Modern Art on Saturday, June 16 2018.
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Chinese Roulette on mubi.com. Find trailers, reviews, and all info for Chinese Roulette by Rainer Werner Fassbinder.
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You can turn off the subtitle. This DVD is 100% Genuine! Factory Sealed!
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"Chinese Roulette" Criterion Collection Movie Review by Mike Dub

Directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder ā€¢ 1976 ā€¢ West Germany A husband and wife lie to each other about their weekend travel plans, only to both show up at.
Rainer Werner Fassbinder's ā€œChinese Rouletteā€ (1976) ā€“ Parental Perfectionist Expectations (Placed on Their Children) As a Target of Child's.
We cannot imagine, though, that the attendant's hellish experience is worse than the one portrayed in Chinese Roulette (1976), an unnerving ensemble ...

Chinese Roulette

YouTube Chinese roulette 1976

Chinese Roulette (1976). That's how the naked Ariane played by Margit Karstensen is presented to her child daughter and the viewer after a night with her lover.
In his weekly column, Tim Robey recommends a film that is indisputably worth two hours of your time. This week: Chinese Roulette, a tightly ...
Chinese Roulette (Rainer Werner Fassbinder, 1976). cruelty breeding cruelty; coldness, cold. an ever gliding camera placing characters under glass display, ...

Review: Chinesisches Roulette (Chinese Roulette, 1976) - Bill's Movie Emporium

Philosophical Screens: Chinesisches Roulette/Chinese Roulette (West Germany/France, 1976). This blog is a written version of some of the ...
Tim Robey recommends... Chinese Roulette (1976). Roulette deplace meuble roulette and wife lie to each other about their weekend travel plans, only to both ...

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Peer Raben - Chinese Roulette Suite (I)

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Chinese Roulette (German: Chinesisches Roulette) is a 1976 West German film written and directed by Rainer Werner Fassbinder. It stars Margit Carstensen, Ulli Lommel and Anna Karina. The film, a bleak psychological drama, climaxes with a truth-guessing game, which gives the film its title.


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