Special Coins and Tokens -Las Vegas, NV- (Special Edition) Part 2 -Recap-
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In order to view full-size images, participate in discussions, vote in polls, etc, you will need to or I'm sure there's another thread somewhere, but I bought a slot machine and finally actually looked at the tokens.
Some good ones in there, alot from casinos that are long las vegas casino dollar coins />Oldest ones are from late 70s.
Just thought I'd share.
I have a few of those.
I wasn't of legal age to gamble yet before they got rid of these tokens but my Dad would give me those from vegas trips.
Maybe that's what got me started collecting casino chips now.
They're about the same size but if I remember correctly, they would not work between casinos.
Maybe it's the weight that triggers?
They're about the same size but if I remember correctly, they would not work between casinos.
Maybe it's the weight that triggers?
I only ever used them 1 time, and I didn't really pay attention.
The only token I kept is 1 from Binions.
Those are mighty cool.
I mostly collect chips but I have 25-30 tokens in my collection.
I wish I had kept more of them.
Too bad, most of your tokens all look worn and used so you probably won't get that much from them.
But nv casino hotel vegas mgm las grand you can go to ebay to check to see if anyone is selling old tokens and how much they sell for.
You might make some money selling the old tokens from casinos that have long closed.
Back in the day quarter and nickel machines took actual coin, and nobody wanted anything to do with dimes.
The first time I remember las vegas casino dollar coins Sams Town, they had a visible token count room where you could watch them through glass as they processed tons of the larger tokens as well las vegas casino dollar coins every denomination of coin.
I can also remember stumbling into the Stardust in the morning at about 4:00am and watching them collect coins and tokens from the machines.
Each bank of machines had a huge collection bucket behind a locked door in the base.
They would empty these into a huge hopper thing being pulled by some kind of a motorized cart.
Of course they had guards with guns ahead of and behind the people who did the actual collecting.
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