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2012-08 EDGEWATER Laughlin, Nevada (Intro - Rocka)

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Final Days for the Last Great Bingo Hall?
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Final Days for the Last Great Bingo Hall?
The likely slot machine invasion of Planet Bingo will mean victory for BC's gambling pushers.
And the end of a world.
Irene Flett, a regular, outside Planet Bingo on Vancouver's Main Street.
Irene Flett is a silver-haired pensioner who lives for bingo.
Applications open until Jan.
For 30 years, she's been a regular player at the Royal Canadian Legion building on Vancouver's Main Street.
Back then, it was the "wonderful" fun and community chin-wagging that kept her coming back.
Now, at 85 years old, playing the odd game at Planet Bingo is literally just what the doctor ordered.
They have made clear their desire to bring slot machines into the building, which for now is the last place in the Lower Mainland running a charitable bingo-only operation.
Wobbling the little planet's edgewater casino bingo are some big forces emanating from Victoria.
The BC Article source government reversed its anti-gambling election pledge, and since 2004 has sharply the number of slot machines in the province, transforming struggling bingo halls into lucrative mini-casinos.
The recent recession has only increased the government's hunger for gambling revenues, and in the past decade, several glitzy casinos have opened within a short drive of Planet Bingo's doors.
And then there is B.
Nowadays you're not allowed to puff on a cigarette while waiting to see if your number comes up.
But slot machines are not only far more addictive than bingo, say experts, their presence is certain to warp the culture inside Planet Bingo, a dark cave whose three floors this morning are inhabited by many other seniors like Irene.
Many of the players are Aboriginal residents of the surrounding neighbourhood.
Most patrons are diehards who leave their splayed bingo cards and coloured daubers only to make a quick run to the window of the Galaxy Grill.
When slot machines do invade Planet Bingo, that will mark the end of a world.
Quite likely, these are the final edgewater casino bingo of this city's last great charitable bingo palace.
Bingo ain't what it used to be Shaun Thompson's job is to ensure that Irene and her fellow players keep paying up to play the game.
He's the marketing manager of the Community Gaming Management Association CGMAwhich has run Planet Bingo for over 20 years.
But over the past few years, the bingo business has lost out to nearby gambling giants like the Edgewater Casino, River Rock Casino Resort, and the newly slot-filled Hastings Racecourse.
According to Thompson, adding slots will net more money for charities that Planet Bingo supports.
Since 2004, the provincial government has transformed a number of bingo halls across B.
Turning Planet Bingo from a realm of daubing grannies into a community gaming centre would require the approval of read more the BCLC and city council.
I think they would do well here.
The plan was turned down because the proposed building "did not meet city eco-density standards," according to Thompson.
Back when the original developers of the Edgewater Casino were starting to sniff out Vancouver's taste for gambling, the CGMA edgewater casino bingo concerned about the effect on its charitable bingo hall.
As a result, a memorandum of understanding was signed between Edgewater Casino Ltd.
Partnership and the CGMA in 2003.
The agreement provided a lifeline for Planet Bingo should it end up losing out to slot mania.
An of the memorandum obtained by The Public Eye outlines a shared commitment between Edgewater and the CGMA towards reducing "the disadvantage that gaming facilities in the City are experiencing vis-à-vis those in other parts of the lower mainland.
It also includes the gaming association's concerns about "its ability to continue to provide sufficient revenues to its 86-member charitable organizations given the restrictions on opinion euromillions casino that games that CGMA is permitted to offer.
The Las Vegas based Paragon Gaming -- which plans to open a new casino complex at BC Place -- took over the agreement when it bought the Edgewater in 2006.
While neither Paragon nor the CGMA would verify the copy of the memorandum, Paragon said the company was "committed to honouring edgewater casino bingo original agreement with Planet Bingo.
Addictive machines Bingo's pull on the gambler can't compete with slot machines, which are edgewater casino bingo, attractive, and full of positive reinforcement.
Robert Williams, the Lethbridge coordinator for the Alberta Gaming Research Institute.
These machines are optimally attuned to extracting the maximal money that they can, through this evolutionary selection of the most profitable machines.
The players know each other, offer up sandwiches.
Yet, like other forms of gambling, it's the elusive prospect of the click here score that keeps people coming.
But most are adamant that winning thousands of dollars isn't the point.
And as for slot machines -- they'd rather wait edgewater casino bingo see.
It might be interesting.
A few players are spread out among various electronic bingo nodes, and some daub at paper cards.
While the format looks different, they're playing together.
One well-dressed man offers to demonstrate how the bingo terminals work, pointing out the automatic daub button, explaining how to purchase cards.
Players watch television screens showing the call balls being turned up.
It's like watching a video of a colonoscopy; mesmerizing and uncomfortably close.
Suddenly, a screech of bingo disturbs the peace, and a smiling senior hurries downstairs to confirm her read article />Microphones hanging from the ceiling have picked up her triumph, and the caller, who's sitting downstairs, announces the end of the game.
There's a collective sigh of disappointment, but a few claps for the winner.
He's not convinced slots at Planet Bingo are a good idea.
click here they were installed, he says, the regulars would take their bingo business elsewhere.
They just wouldn't come," he says.
You just put money in, bang!
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2012-08 EDGEWATER Laughlin, Nevada (Intro - Rocka)

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