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You get the Pokerus when your Pokemon gets infected by an infected wild Pokemon after battle, and .. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile, which do you choose?
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The Pokérus is a Pokémon Virus on PokéFarm that affects one user at a. ended and does not change the chances of getting Pokérus again.
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Jump to How do I know if my Pokémon has Pokérus? -. the Pokérus is to look at its status summary.. he/she doesn't know what Pokérus does,.
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You get the Pokerus when your Pokemon gets infected by an infected wild Pokemon after battle, and .. Chikorita, Cyndaquil, or Totodile, which do you choose?
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Pokemon Sword & Shield Pokerus Explained: How to Get, What It Does

Pokerus makes anyone who has it gain double the EV gains. You can spread it by having the Pokemon with Pokerus and the Pokemon you want to spread it to ...
Pokérus, is a Pokémon virus, and combined this makes the word Pokérus.. This is easy, all you have to do is click on your Pokémon's summary and then look up in the top-right. When does Pokérus stop being contagious?
However, Pokérus causes it to receive 4 Effort Value points, meaning the Attack stat. These games do not have an internal game clock feature to trigger the.

Pokérus - Pokémon Fact of The Day

Pokerus Effects and Cure: Guide - SAMURAI GAMERS What does pokerus do

You can tell if a Pokémon has Pokérus by viewing the Status field on the Summary page, which will show a purple box labeled PkRS if the Pokémon is infected.
... seem to have their status "locked"- it does not spread, but it does not go away. However, I have only had pokeRus-infected pokemon boxed for two.. If they do, then, if I ever the Pokérus, don't expect me to get any sleep.
Pokérus, is a Pokémon virus, and combined this makes the word Pokérus.. This is easy, all you have to do is click on your Pokémon's summary and then look up in the top-right. When does Pokérus stop being contagious?

For Pokemon people: I've got Pokerus - Talk and Entertainment - Community Forums - MTG Salvation Forums - MTG Salvation

Pokerus makes anyone who has it gain double the EV gains. You can spread it by having the Pokemon with Pokerus and the Pokemon you want to spread it to ...
To spread it just put the Pokemon with pokerus in your party and put other Pokemon that have never had it before in with it. When a Pokemon is ...

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Pokérus, is a Pokémon virus, and combined this makes the word Pokérus.
Pokémon-virus Poké + rus.
Now this disease helps the Pokémon that has it grow faster.
However, it doesn't gain experience faster, it gains EVs faster.
It actually doubles the EVs, so lets say that.
Empoleon-Pokérus fights a Gastly.
Of course the Empoleon would gain experience just like normal, but then the EV gain would be doubled.
So instead of getting one special attack EV you would get 2 EVs towards special attack.
It's really a nice thing to have in training, you could have an awesome level 50 Pokémon that could take down Pokémon that out level you.
Where and how do you get Pokérus?
There is no specific place that you can get Pokérus, you can get Pokérus from wild Pokémon.
You could either luckily catch a Pokémon with Pokérus and then spread it to the rest of your party.
If you battle a wild Pokémon that has pokerus, odds are that you are going to get it.
You won't know if the wild Pokémon has it until you actually get it.
The odds are just what does pokerus do little bit better then encountering a shiny Pokémon.
Basically, the odds are not bet in blackjack double good.
How do I know if I have Pokérus?
This is easy, all you have to do is click on your Pokémon's summary and then look up in the top-right corner of your Pokémon's picture and see if there is a purple block there, if there is then on that block should be the letters PKRS Pokérus just abbreviated.
Also, if a Pokémon already has Pokérus then there should a smiley face by their picture.
What if my Pokémon already has Pokérus but it has a smiley face?
In that case then you can no longer spread the disease using that Pokémon.
The effects of Pokérus are still working, it just is no longer contagious.
How do I spread Pokérus?
This is quite simple.
I made up a way to do this effectively.
Member 1: Pokérus: Member 2: Member 3: Member 4: Member 5: Member 6: So Member 1 has Pokérus have it battle a few times then member 2 should what does pokerus do it which is perfect.
Once member 2 has it then switch member 2 and member three around so it will look like this Member 1: Pokérus: Member 3: Member 2: Pokérus: Member 4: Member 5: member 6: Then battle some more and when member 3 gets Pokérus member 4 will too.
So then you switch member 3 and member 5.
Member 1: Pokérus: Member 5 Member 2: Pokérus: Member 4: Pokérus Member 3: Pokérus: Member 6: Then battle a check this out more times and all of the Pokémon should have Pokérus in your party.
Be warned at midnight any Pokémon with Pokérus in your party will be cured at midnight.
If the Pokémon is in your PC, it wont be cured.
To keep Pokémon uncured, put them into your party before midnight so they can continue spreading the virus to other Pokémon.
This technique was also posted in the EV guide part of what does pokerus do wiki.
When does Https://chicago-lawyer.info/blackjack/atlantic-city-blackjacks-arena-football.html stop being contagious?
When it's been in your party for 24 hours.
Alternatively, it will naturally cure if it's in your party at midnight.
Is Pokérus something I want to have?
Just in case you missed what does pokerus do, the answer is yes.
If you thought it was a bad thing then read through the guide again.


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Pokérus spreads from an infected Pokémon to a healthy one through battling or training with the infected Pokémon. The virus, however, does not last forever;.


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