How To Count Cards & WIN at Blackjack!
Back in September 2012, former Massachusetts Institute of Technology MIT student and Blackjack star Mike Aponte joined the in Las Vegas to share priceless tips on how to beat the casinos.
Who is Mike Aponte?
Part of the legendary MIT Blackjack Team and leader of the "Reptiles Team", Aponte is considered to be one of the greatest Blackjack pros alive.
Not only Aponte won millions at the Blackjack table mastering the art of card counting in Blackjack, but he also took home the first-ever in 2004.
At that time, Aponte managed to beat the 25 best Blackjack players in the world in a memorable competition held at the Mohegan Sun in Connecticut, United States.
MIT Blackjack Team: Card Counting Video Lesson In this video, you find an easy-to-follow guide to card counting in Blackjack explained by none other than Mike Aponte.
The very same card counting tips he rules of card counting in blackjack practice in the video are what made him one of the most feared blackjack players in the world.
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What Is Card Counting in Blackjack?
Card-counting is a Blackjack system that - if implemented properly - can give the player a significant advantage over the Casino.
The way card counting works connect with the nature of Blackjack.
That's why this technique cannot be applied to any other gambling game.
Whenever you play a game of Roulette, or you spin the reels of a Slot machine, you know that the outcome of each game is not related to the previous or the future outcomes.
Casino games controlled by Random Number Generators RNGs are completely unpredictable because every spin, game, hand you play is completely random.
Blackjack, however, is another story.
Since the cards in Blackjack are not re-shuffled after every hand, well-trained players can optimize their play by keeping a mental note of the cards that have been already in the game and are no longer in play.
The cards that have already been played affect your future games.
Learn how to keep track of them and you'll be able to beat the dealer just like the MIT Blackjack did for more than a decade.
Is Card Counting in Blackjack Hard?
Many beginners are under the impression that counting cards in Blackjack require a computer like memory.
And if you think the MIT Blackjack team kept track of every single card dealt by the dealer, well…you are wrong because that's not how Blackjack card counting works.
To count cards in Blackjack you don't have to know every card that appeared on the table.
You just need to know the proportion of high cards 10s and aces and low cards 2-6 that are still in the game.
If this calculation tells you that the deck is rich in high cards, you have great odds to beat the dealer by following the.
A deck rich in low-value cards, however, is one where the Dealer has an advantage over the players.
In this case, you need to adopt a much more conservative approach to the game and size your bets accordingly.
How Does It Work There are source different ways - and strategies- to count cards in Blackjack.
These methods exist on a continuum from ridiculously simple, to extremely MIT-grade difficult.
Despite the complexity of the system they use, those who know how to count cards in Blackjack base their decision on a common underlying strategy.
They focus on keeping track of the ratio of high-value cards to lower value cards in whatever deck is being used.
The High-Low Card Counting Method Many Blackjack pros believe the best way to learn how to count cards in Blackjack is to start from the so-called ' high-low' count.
To use this method, you need to dedicate your full attention to the cards that appear on the table - starting from the VERY FIRST card that is dealt.
After every additional card, this count maximum betting blackjack sites online score will change.
The higher this count is, the more high-value face cards are left in the deck.
The lower the overall score is, the more low-value cards are still in play.
High-Low Blackjack Card Counting in Action Let's imagine that you run into a sequence of 3,Q,K,9,A,2,5,J,9,Q.
The 'True Count' in Blackjack If you think the High-Low approach to counting cards in Blackjack is not easy, wait until you learn about the True Count.
A True Count is when players divide their ongoing count by the overall number of decks left to be played out.
This is usually an estimate and relies on keeping a close eye on the status of the shoe to figure out how many decks are probably left in the game.
Through the True Count, you can get a better estimate of the cards still in play and of what Blackjack strategy is the best one to win at any given moment.
If the result of your True Count calculation is a high number, this indicates that there are still many high cards in the deck.
Once the number drops below zero, you know that low-value cards are the majority in the deck.
Why High Cards Are Good for You By keeping a close eye on the count, and by knowing how many high cards are left in the deck, you can make educated guesses take better-informed decisions article source you play Blackjack.
You better be careful here.
If you know that there are many high-value cards still in the deck, you know that the dealer has very good chances to win.
Card Counting at the Casino Before you decide to head to the Casino to count cards in Blackjack and win a lot of money - there's something you should know.
As a prospective blackjack card counter, you should always remember that the Casinos know people will try to count cards.
Let's be clear about this: rules of card counting in blackjack practice cards in Blackjack will not send you to jail.
It will just get you kicked out and most likely banned for good from the Casino.
To protect themselves from card counters, the Casino bosses can ask the dealers to reshuffle the shoe with great frequency or can study your every move through their Here system.
That's because most card counters make the mistake to show that they re counting cards while they play Blackjack.
Tells like moving your lips as you count the cards at the Blackjack table or making supersized bets only on high counts are dead giveaways.
If you decide to count cards in Blackjack, you need to play smart.
Practice counting cards at home until you can do all your calculation without giving anything away.
Also, try to occasionally raise your bets when the count is low and lower them when the count is high.
This might make you lose a little more than you want to, but it will also make you look 'safe' in the eyes of the Dealer.
Practice Blackjack Card Counting Online It's really important that you practice card counting in Blackjack online before you make your first trip to a casino.
The best way to learn how to count cards in Blackjack is to start from rules of card counting in blackjack practice table that uses a single card-deck and then gradually move up to those that use six at the same time.
Collect your bonus and learn how to count cards in Blackjack - for free.
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Make sure you also take some time to watch the action at a live dealer Casino.
Sit at the table learn to count cards even if you are not playing.
The fact rules of card counting in blackjack practice money is not on the line will make it easier for you to concentrate on the cards and keep track of lows and highs.
Once individuals are confident that you can count cards in a game of Blackjack like one of the MIT Blackjack team - and you can do so without any visible tells - go to the Casino and get ready are real money blackjack the real deal.
Promotional image courtesy of Disclaimer: Gambling is a game of chance and there's no sure-fire formula that guarantee winnings.
You can improve your winning what is a blackjack game by using the right in-game strategies but there is no way to predict when a machine or a Casino game is going to pay.
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No Bust Blackjack Strategy: Does it Work?
The simple guidelines of card counting in blackjack. First you. Practice counting over the next few days and you'll quickly get the hang of it.
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