Poker City - Texas Hold'em (promo)
All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
Poker World is brought to you by the makers of Governor of Poker.
In this great offline poker game, you're battling and bluffing your way through several continents and famous poker cities.
Ever played poker in Macau?
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This is your chance.
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Poker World is poker city free to you by the makers of Governor of Poker.
In this great offline poker game, you're battling and bluffing your way through several continents and famous poker cities.
Ever played poker in Macau?
Or visited the majestic Monaco casino?
Or went all in in the Bellagio in Las Vegas?
This is your chance.
And you'll play poker with only one goal: to become the best poker player in the world.
In Poker World, you start your first poker tournament in the United States.
By winning tournaments you progress and build up your reputation as a poker player.
You will be able to join bigger and more exciting poker tournaments, get better poker sponsor deals and buy cool items to show off your poker status.
You'll play heads-up poker against these World Top players and climb your way to the top.
Great game features: - MORE THAN 30 HOURS of Texas Hold'em Poker play; OVER 60 POKER CITIES in the world where you can participate in challenging poker tournaments.
Every tournament varies in buy-in, number of players and poker winnings; - COLLECT STATUS SYMBOLS to build up your reputation in the poker scene and get access to certain tournaments; - SIGN SPONSORSHIPS to earn more chips and tickets for special tournaments; - WORLD TOP 10: beat all World Top players and win tickets for special tournaments; - PLAY ANYTIME, ANYWHERE: Poker offline, no internet connection required: There is no internet connection required to play this great game.
And one other big advantage: you don't have to wait for real world players like you do in live multiplayer poker.
We made the AI to ensure the poker city free is great for both beginning poker players who are poker city free poker and experienced players.
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Millions of poker players have already enjoyed our Governor of Poker games.
Play this very exciting Texas Hold'em poker game and prove you are the best poker player in the world.
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Poker City -Texas Hold'em (gameplay)
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