How to Bet in Blackjack
Munchkin By Bob Jenkins By Thomas B.
Duffy, Attorney At Law By Thomas B.
Duffy, Attorney At Law FROM ET FAN: Test of a Blackjack Computer's Betting Efficiency Letter from Dr.
Data Fehnworp From Blackjack Forum Vol.
The computer is a Z80 old 8-bit microprocessor on a 3 x 3 printed circuit perfect blackjack test incased in plastic.
Another chip on the board looks like it might be the voice chip.
There only appears to be 16k RAM on board.
The computer came up with a NEGATIVE bet recommendation, but proceeded to make the correct stand strategy recommendation.
Same thing for two 7s and four 8s.
The vendor seemed surprised at the negative bet recommendation.
For the record, in order for a blackjack computer to come up with the perfect blackjack test bet recommendations for any deck residue, it would have to probabilize all player and dealer cards, along with every possible course of action for the player using a binary tree type program.
The blackjack computer was hooked up to a speaker for the demo.
The earphone is practically invisible when inserted far down close to the eardrum.
There are no wires perfect blackjack test to the earphone; the user must wear a transmitter at chest level.
Input was through four spring switches that can be placed anywhere in your shoes for maximum accuracy and comfort.
The values of the cards are repeated to the user as they are input.
This is an visit web page, user-friendly feature.
No single parameter card perfect blackjack test system has 100% betting efficiency, and no concealable blackjack perfect blackjack test that I know of has ever been developed that could utilize an arbitrary subset program to analyze betting opportunities with perfect accuracy.
This would be so time consuming perfect blackjack test it is impractical.
Other than for deep single-deck betting situations, it would also be pretty worthless.
Thanks for the first-hand product report.
To read more about blackjack computer card-counting and shuffle-tracking play, see the interview with Keith and Marty Taft in the Return to © 2004-2005 Blackjack Forum Online, All Rights Reserved.
8 Things To Never Do At A Blackjack Table!
You can also select specific hands to be tested on, and view your error statistics. They are perfectly legal; however for security reasons don't place them on the ...
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