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The document has two sections.
The first section covers NetBeans 5.
But really, the instructions for NetBeans 4.
For information on other versions of NetBeans, contact the author via email: BeginProg2 at BurdBrain dot com.
Install the downloaded NetBeans program on your computer.
Run NetBeans by clicking the NetBeans icon.
You see the NetBeans 5.
Click Create New Project.
In the Categories pane, select General, and in the Projects pane, select Java Application.
The New Java Application dialog appears.
Leave Set as Main Project checked.
But in this example, you should uncheck Create Main Class.
A new project tree appears in the NetBeans Projects window.
On the project tree, right-click the Source Package branch.
The New Java Class dialog appears.
In the Class Name field, type the name of the class that you want to create.
In this example, I type MyFirstJavaClass, because I intend to run the code in Listing 3-1.
The name of the Java source file is MyFirstJavaClass.
The new class appears in the Projects window.
Some skeletal code for the new class appears in the editor.
In the NetBeans Projects window, right-click the current project branch.
In the information pocket blackjack 21 can context menu, select Set Main Project.
On a Macintosh, substitute Ctrl-Click for right-click.
The output window shows a successful compilation.
In the resulting context menu, select Properties.
On a Macintosh, substitute Ctrl-Click http blackjack netbeans right-click.
The Project Properties dialog appears.
On the left side of the Project Properties dialog, select Check this out />The http blackjack netbeans on the right side change to include Main Class, Arguments, and so on.
In the Main Class field, type the name of the class that contains the main method.
In this example, I type MyFirstJavaClass, because I intend to run the code in Listing 3-1.
The name of the Java source file is MyFirstJavaClass.
Click OK to dismiss the Project Properties http blackjack netbeans />Install the downloaded NetBeans program on your computer.
Run NetBeans by clicking the NetBeans icon.
You see the NetBeans 4.
The New Project dialog appears.
In the Categories pane, select General, and in http blackjack netbeans Projects pane, select Java Application.
The New Java Application dialog appears.
Leave Set as Main Project checked.
But in this example, you should uncheck Create Main Class.
A new project tree appears in the NetBeans Projects window.
On the project tree, right-click the Source Package branch.
On a Macintosh, substitute Ctrl-Click for right-click.
The New Java Class dialog appears.
In the Class Name field, type the name of the class that you want to create.
In this example, I type MyFirstJavaClass, because I intend to run the code in Listing 3-1.
The name of the Java source file is MyFirstJavaClass.
The new class appears in the Projects window.
visit web page skeletal code http blackjack netbeans the new class appears in the editor.
In the NetBeans Projects window, right-click the current project branch.
In the resulting https://chicago-lawyer.info/blackjack/golden-nugget-blackjack-tables.html menu, select Set Main Project.
On a Macintosh, substitute Ctrl-Click for right-click.
The output window shows a successful compilation.
In the resulting context menu, select Properties.
The Project Properties dialog appears.
On the left side of the Project Properties dialog, select Run.
The fields on the right side change to include Main Class, Arguments, and so on.
In the Main Class http blackjack netbeans, type the name of the class that contains the main method.
In this example, I type MyFirstJavaClass, because I intend to run the code in Listing 3-1.
The name of the Java source file is MyFirstJavaClass.
Click OK to dismiss the Project Properties dialog.

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... 7 years, jganthaler, Started implementing the Bot Player Ai based upon the basic Blackjack … (edit) · @87 · 7 years, vahuber, Netbeans "coding standards" :).


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Total 19 comments.