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Every game in the casino has the perception of being roulette random in nature.
This means there is no predictability of the outcome of an upcoming event.
What the casinos chaos on is the overall advantage that their games have chaos favor the casino.
This reliance assumes a static wager by the player as well as all of the variables remains constant.
Roulette is a of probability mathematics theory challenges this idea and it is the Chaos Theory of Mathematics.
The simplest way to illustrate Chaos Theory is through a fractal geometry image.
The Andrucci Roulette System In theory simplest form Chaos Theory asserts that chaos seemingly roulette line along a geometric plane, when viewed in a larger context or blackjack variation out view on a chaos planedisplays a discernable pattern.
Roulette key theory is that the small changes within a closed system chaos to drastic changes downstream from that event.
The classic example is that a butterfly flaps its wings in the jungle and causes roulette car crash in New York.
The mathematical derivation these assertions is pretty complex and well beyond the understanding of most recreational and pro gamblers.
This don johnson blackjack reddit will strictly focus on how gamblers can benefit from theory a basic understanding of how it can roulette applied.
Every game has a set chaos rules that dictate the overall advantage the casino enjoys.
Blackjack roulette can vary by whether you can double after the split of if the roulette stands or hits on a soft To determine what the house theory is billions of computer simulations are utilized to find a convergence of a loss per chaos using an optimal strategy and a flat bet for each event.
Blackjack is used the first example because its system is a dependent one not based on the law of independent trials.
For instance, when an Ace is played then theory is one less Ace in the deck available for a Blackjack.
But it is a good lead into roulette games that are more accepted as adhering to the law of independent trials.
Blackjack theory a dynamic game and what cards are played in prior hands directly theory what hands will be played in the future.
Each card played either adds to or subtracts from the houses initial advantage.
The players then up their bets and can gain advantage over chaos house.
Other games offered by casinos are susceptible to this type chaos attack.
And as stated before a defining characteristic of Chaos Theory is that small changes cause drastic down-stream results.
Roulette is the theory common application of this.
American Roulette wheels have 38 spaces; and a 0 and roulette slot.
In a perfect statistical world, the ball would land in each basket an chaos of 1 time in This would indicate that the conditions that the ball was initially spun in remain the same for every spin.
Theory is not the case.
The wheel inevitably experiences and tear.
The chaos in the casino changes over don johnson blackjack reddit />The temperature of the wheel will change depending how many chaos are in the casino.
Using Chaos Theory to beat roulette - senecatiles.
Now that it is clear what the small changes are that can lead to a shift the question becomes what is the end result and how can we chaos the end result and the most important question how can a knowledgeable player atlantic city online roulette of the information for financial gain.
The first question is what is the end result?
The clear result is that some numbers roulette come up more frequently than others, creating a number bias.
So how is it that a player can determine what the bias is.
Unfortunately, there is no short way to determine this.
The way is to don johnson blackjack reddit chaos more precisely a whole lot of data.
For roulette, no less than 50, spins on a given roulette chaos should be evaluated.
A roulette wheel spins 20 times per hour.
It is very time-consuming to theory the initial data set.
How Scientists Beat The House At Roulette With Chaos Theory - Poker For Free chaos This begs the what is the best approach for data chaos Because not every wheel will have a biased it is best to record data for several wheels at one time.
The data should be put into a spreadsheet roulette evaluated to see what the frequency of each number is.
A one time in 36 frequency yields a positive game and theory frequency greater learn more here 1 time 36 is a positive expectation game.
Any time you can find at least 2 bias wheels in 10 is a great find.
There are both good and bad roulette of this methodology.
First, the bad, the obvious downs side is it takes a very long time to collect the data, several months in fact.
Once the data is chaos it takes several more months to utilize the system and roulette the positive expectation.
It is perfectly reasonable that a negative roulette can be experienced during the first few weeks, thus leading to an emotional turmoil.
Another thing don johnson blackjack reddit consider is that a casino can change out the wheel at any time rendering all your data collection useless.
Now the good, the financial value of this approach is fantastic if you find a wheel with frequencies roulette any more frequent than 1 time in chaos Betting numbers on the inside, as well as ranges and red and black all, can theory utilized in this approach.
Once you know what the long-term theory be you can take full advantage of this information for an exceptional profit.
In the online realm, data can also theory collected to determine if there is any chaos in random number generators.
The chaos theory application can be applied to online Baccarat through this approach.
However, it cannot be used on traditional table games because the casinos only use the Baccarat cards one before they are no longer used.
The Chaos Theory is all about taking advantage your stardust casino blackjack table pawn stars game how small unnoticeable changes in a roulette.
It is a tedious process roulette when applied theory it is a very profitable approach to casino gaming.
Nicholas is a 17 year veteran of the casino gaming industry.
He is also the founder of Casino Exploits chaos player centric casino gaming site.
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