Craps Betting Strategy - Don't Pass and Don't Come - Beginners
Crap Strategies That We Have Played with Success â No guarantees but much success indeed.
They field tested it so you can judge for yourself.
This link will take you immediately to the 3-2-1 video.
Simply, the shooter rolls a 7 or 11 or a craps number 2, 3, or 12.
So keep that craps strategy don t pass mind.
Game won, Next Game another 7, Game won and we are craps strategy don t pass the third come out roll of the shooter who has yet to roll a point.
After all there are more ways to roll a seven than any other number.
Betting this way always win on the come-out, but for a price one would think.
After 3 Come-Out Rolls of 7, I won: a.
How did that happen?
So what do I do with the hop the 7 bet after the 3 come-out rolls that began and ended with a 7 on the come-out.
Remember that I made the hop bet that hit twice on the 2nd and third come-out rolls.
So if you are thinking I press the Hop the 7 Bet again the 4th come-outyou are correct.
So for me, I am the most secure player at the table on the come-out roll.
Not fool proof at all, but this sequence occurs much more than you think.
Now we start to talk about much bigger money!
Here were your 3 craps wins in a row 1.
If one considering playing the super hedge system, then you should agree that winning a little money is much better than losing a lot of money.
Winning a little is better than losing a lot.
Here is the first example of Super Hedge: a.
See, the player cannot lose.
Do you see how the Super Hedge ensures a win for the player either way.
So you now understand that the Super Hedge just wins a little but does craps strategy don t pass lose for the player.
So when would I play it.
I play it for two reasons.
I play Super Hedge.
My second reason is cold and I have been playing the pass line and losing.
Since I play craps at least twice weekly, I cannot afford to lost several hundred dollars every time that I go to a casino.
Either I will come home just a few dollars up or I play at a hot table and win bigger money playing smart craps.
Can I hedge the come-out playing Super Hedge.
If you do hedge the come-out the way that I suggested, here is what will happen.
Not so bad, is it?
Strategy For Don't Pass Bet
That said, here is a list of craps mistakes you're probably making and advice about. Don't pass line / don't come bet = 1.36% house edge; Pass line / come bet.. Here's a complete look at what this betting strategy entails:.
It is difficult to tell.
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It no more than reserve
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I consider, that you are not right. I am assured. I can prove it.
This very valuable opinion
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I think, you will come to the correct decision. Do not despair.
Between us speaking, I would arrive differently.
I apologise, but, in my opinion, you are not right. I am assured. I can prove it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.