Blackjack Strategy
There's lucky, very lucky, and then there's hoooooo-boy.
How'd he do it?
Was it divine intervention, card-counting or an epic run of good luck?
He admits to having had to take some losses along the way.
In what may turn out cheap blackjack tables ac be an unfortunate choice of phrase, he told a reporter for"I don't wear Kevlar.
Today he's a professional gambler of sorts: chief executive officer of Heritage Development LLC, which develops computer-assisted wagering click the following article for horseracing.
His prowess in blackjack, he here, has gotten him banned from some casinos.
Johnson insists that he's no cheater: that all his Atlantic City winnings came to him fair and square.
Though he refuses to divulge the system he uses, it depends in part on his having a big enough bankroll to sustain losses and keep right on going.
You also have to understand the math.
Explains Richard, a former card counter who cheap blackjack tables ac works on Wall Street and who asks that his last name not be used"As the composition of the cards in the deck fluctuates, the player's advantage fluctuates.
When he knows he cheap blackjack tables ac the advantage, he bets higher.
When he knows the advantage has shifted to the house, he bets lower.
Not only do you change the amount of your bets, you change your playing strategy: When you know it's to your advantage, you hit a hand you'd otherwise have decided to stand on.
The size of the edge depends on the variation of the game that's being played, but it can get down to less than 1 percent.
Card counting can turn the edge against the casino, which is why management bans card counters when they're caught.
It's a constant cat-and-mouse game.
They look for certain clues that tell them here's a player exhibiting counting-like behavior, somebody who needs closer scrutiny--players exhibiting a large variation in bet size, for instance.
Henry Cheap blackjack tables ac, author of "Blackjack: Take the Money and Run" and editor of, doesn't rule out cheap blackjack tables ac possibility Johnson's winnings could have been the result of "sheer luck.
All you'd have to do it bet at high levels and use basic strategy.
Tamburin suspects there must be more to the story: "To me, it's all a little strange.
Something's not right here.
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