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You will have to free before you can post: click the r e g i s t e r link to proceed.
To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below.
Although I was sure that it should be standard Eurotrash BJ, someone at bj21 GC posted reverse info.
I'd be glad to hear more if anybody happened to be in Spain recently.
Apart from a couple of Casinos Madrid, Toja betting large amounts is not common.
Try to stay away from some locations that are made for tourists Canary Islands, South Coast where you might even see CSMs.
Eurotrash BJ mostly, however, I was able to find some very good penetrations, wong and spread like in the books.
Thank you for information.
So far I was thinking that the only country with ES10 rule in Western Europe is Belgium.
Is it a bencmark rule casino de barcelona blackjack in the whole country?
Although it doesn't sound like a superb candystore, but should be beatable with decent penetration.
And one more question - sorry for my ignorance, but where is Toja?
I plan to go in a couple of weeks so if you go later than that I can update the info at least on the Madrid one, giving you exact penetration and rules for each table.
It's normal https://chicago-lawyer.info/blackjack/blackjack-oynama-stratejileri.html don't know Toja it's a small island in the northeast of Spain, in the Casino de barcelona blackjack area, in the Province of Galicia.
Apparently a lot of money laundering is done there, but oh well, we just want to play.
Another option is VP.
Nobody seems to care too much about it so you can find good machines.
It was standard Euro rules 6 decks DAS etc.
The minimum was 10 Euros max 1000 they also had a 20 Euro minimum table.
The penetration wasn't good about exactly 1.
Pro I am not planning to go to Spain in the very close future except for a vacation to Tenerife, but that is a different matter and I was told there are CSM's only.
I'd appreciate very much if you can give me report about the latest conditions after you return you can also use my e-mail address above.
Hmm, Galicia should be NorthWest of Spain rather that NE.
I'll email casino de barcelona blackjack the info.
You are right No comments smashing head against the wall.
I'll check this time.
I will mail to you.
To post here is easier.
I have been at an other casino,Casino Mediterraneo in Villajoyosa near Alicante, nearer to Benidorm many English people casino de barcelona blackjack there.
Also no ES vs 10 like in Barcelona.
In Villajoyosa they only have CSM's.
Later in the evening I saw something very interesting,at one table they played the CSM like a shoe,took the 6-decks from the tray,let it cut and put the cards into the machine and dealt like a shoe without shuffling with the machine.
That is, civil and considerate behavior for the mutual benefit of all involved.
The goal of advantage play is the legal extraction of funds from gaming establishments by gaining a mathematic advantage and blackjack payout aces split the skills required to use that advantage.
To maximize our success, it is important to understand that we are all on the same side.
Personal conflicts here get in the way of our goals.
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Blackjack Forum is a message board.
Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this forum are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of the management.

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Blackjack is the American variant of a globally popular banking game known as Twenty-One,.. At a casino blackjack table, the dealer faces five to seven playing positions from behind a semicircular.... Barcelona: Flor del Viento Ediciones. p.


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