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Haute Happenings Dallas, Texas Event Planners impeccable talent It is time for the rest of Dallas and beyond to see and experience an event planned by Dana at Haute Happenings.
She brings an impeccable talent and a certain touch that cannot be found anywhere else.
She is precise in all the details that go into planning a special event.
From the color of the napkins to the delectable food choices.
She can do it all!
She is skilled at finding the most unique items to add distinctive flair to blackjack video caborca parties.
Because I am a procrastinator, I love turning the details over to Dana.
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From planning the menu to coordinating the flower delivery and arrangements to perfecting the guest seating, she was terrific.
Not only did this web page help ensure the event ran smoothly, her excellent organizational skills helped me maintain my sanity - and my sense of humor!
And, in typical Dana fashion, she added her own personal touch by contributing a wonderfully warm and very funny!
I definitely recommend her to all my friends and clients for any event, big or small!
Dana is organized, blackjack video caborca, professional and is always looking for ways to take care of others.
Her events are fun and always memorable.
She a dedicated wife and mother and has worked tirelessly for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society to raise much needed funds.
Dana attacks every project with professionalism, creativity and zeal and will ensure your event is one you will remember forever.
All of the events she has planned have been incredible.
She never misses any detail.
The food, drink, dessert, decorations have always been top notch.
please click for source would absolutely trust her with all my catered events!
I trust her to manage the event process and applaud her in the Haute Happenings endevour.
Every event Blackjack video caborca have ever attended of Dana Eisenberg's has been without a hitch.
Her attention to detail is unsurpassed blackjack video caborca the industry.
I only wish I had more memorable events for Dana to plan.
Spitz, Spinnerhawk Realty unique celebrations I have been a guest at several functions that Dana has planned.
Her attention to detail and elegance is impeccable.
No two parties have been the same and each has been thoughtfully customized and tailored blackjack video caborca accentuate each unique celebration.
I will utilize Dana's services and keen eye for the special touches for every occasion I celebrate.
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