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The limited edition Schecter Blackjack ATX Solo-6 Electric Guitar gives you all the dark tones and sustain you expect from a carved mahogany body and 25-1/2" ...
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Shop Schecter Blackjack ATX Solo-6 6-String Full-Size Electric Guitar Aged White Satin at Best Buy. Find low everyday prices and buy online for delivery or ...
Blackjack ATX Solo 6, LP-Shaped Guitar from Schecter in the Blackjack ATX series.. this average price is older than 6 months. Product presentation. Reviews.

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Schecter Guitar Research Blackjack ATX Solo-II Electric Guitar The Schecter Guitar Research Blackjack ATX Solo-II Electric Guitar is fully-equipped.
It comes with a mahognay body and set 3-piece mahogany neck.
The fretboard is smooth ebony with 24 extra-jumbo frets and glow-in-the-dark side dots.
Active Seymour Duncan pickups produce plenty of tone control and power.
Black chrome hardware and a TonePros tune-o-matic bridge complete the list of appointments.
Schecter locking tuners Schecter Locking Tuners feature a locking screw pin to lock the string into place for greater tuning stability.
Details include a 19:1 gear blackjack atx solo 6 review allowing for precise blackjack atx solo 6 review tuning adjustments, removable knobs, threaded peghead bushing, and a 10mm diameter peg blackjack atx solo 6 review />Ebony fretboard Ebony has a snappy, crisp attack with the density of Maple, but with more brittle grains, oilier pores, and a stronger fundamental tone than Maple.
It has a tremendous amount of percussive overtones in the pick attack, that mute out shortly thereafter to foster great, long, consider, blackjack golf clubs draw? />Seymour Duncan Active Blackouts AHB-1 9-volt active humbucker for aggressive playing styles.
Recommended for blackjack atx solo 6 review school metal, garage, punk, thrash, drop tunings, and other heavy rock styles.
Capturing the tone that players want in an active design using balanced inputs.
The result is 12dB to 14dB less noise, plus more lows, more highs, and more output.
Where standard necks may show aging defects from temperature and moisture changes throughout the years, the 3 piece neck will stay nice and straight for a lifetime of playability.


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