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The average live poker game is softer than its online counterpart.
The barrier for entry is much lower and many recreational players overvalue their home game experience.
Improving live casino poker play can be difficult but not impossible.
Take a look at these 5 tips and learn how to play poker in a casino better.
For some players, online is the only form of poker they have ever known.
Live casino poker is oftentimes out of their comfort zones, so they choose to miss out on the value of learning how to play poker in a casino better and taking advantage of the live poker games in their area.
Live Poker Tip 1: Night vs Day?
First things first, at what time do you start playing?
Just imagine dealers and recreational players shifting in and out while the same two or three live poker pros stay seated, printing money between bathroom breaks.
After all, for them this casino trip is a casual, fun night out.
At night you will find more recreational players willing to do a few shots before shoveling chips into the pot.
They want to tell their co-workers a story in the morning.
While weekends are naturally the best time for live poker games, there is something to be said about late night weekday poker.
Even though it lacks the sheer number of foot traffic going in and out of room, it often features something when is the best time to go to a casino entirely: a deadline.
Let me paint you a picture.
You are, of course, playing live poker in a casino surrounded by recreational players.
Your opponent, however, looks uncomfortable.
You can take advantage of his exasperation by value betting more and more thinly.
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Of course you do!
Most poker rooms these days have a large screen listing the games and the waiting list, while some smaller rooms may have a regularly updated whiteboard.
You can also use the to check what games are running before you even leave the house.
This guy is in for a bit of a drive Examine the list and choose the game and stakes that best fit your skills and bankroll.
If you have to wait, walk around the room and survey all just click for source the games.
Take a mental note which games look soft and which games look tough.
Being friendly with casino staff can go a long way when it comes to getting you into the best possible games.
How to Play Poker in a Casino Tip 3: Changing Seats in Nitty Games.
Changing seats and switching games is something you will have to do almost every session if you want to maximize your profit.
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In other words, you want to be in the cutoff of on the button when the player is in the big blind.
Even if they do eventually call, they will predictably play fit or fold post flop, thereby giving you a chance to continue your bluff or fold before it gets too expensive.
Just ask for it to reserve your right to change seats once your desired position becomes available.
You have to speak up before the seat you want is vacated, and the button exists to avoid arguments on who claimed which seat first.
You can express your desire to change seats but it means nothing without the coveted button.
Always remember that in cash games players can leave the table whenever they want, so try to not make your reasons for changing too obvious.
Live Poker Tip 4: How to Play Poker in a Casino: Tipping How much to tip each pot is a longstanding discussion in the poker world.
So much so that reading through poker forum threads about the subject can feel like a tired Seinfeld bit.
With this in mind, be considerate and remember that these people need when is the best time to go to a casino eat and pay when is the best time to go to a casino if they are to be good at their job.
As the pots increase in size, feel free to tip slightly more.
More on this in tip 5.
This kayak is about to tip.
They just do their thing and act however they want to with no regard for the opinion or feelings of others, be it casino staff or fellow players.
Being source with your chips just slows down the game and makes you look a bit foolish.
You are a player, not Norman Chad.
Everybody has a million of them to tell, but nobody wants to hear them, usually not even the person telling them.
Poker is a when is the best time to go to a casino that rewards logical thinking, yet people blame dealers for their garbage hands or poor play.
Yelling or even throwing things at the dealer is pretty much the worst thing you can do in live casino poker, short of cheating.
Do you have any tips on how to play poker in a casino to share?
Let us know in the comments or tweet us at If you want to read a bit more about how to play poker in a casino as well as strategy when is the best time to go to a casino live cash games, check out our article.
Note: Serious about improving your poker game?
Check out the Upswing Lab!
Doug Polk and Ryan Fee collaborated on this A to Z poker training course and!
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