Ranking All Poker Hands - Introduction to Poker Rules and Procedures (Part 1 of 2)
Deuces Wild is an exciting video poker variant that makes it easier to form winning hands thanks to the inclusion of wild cards.
All the 2s can represent any of the other cards to form a winning hand, and you can increase your winnings further thanks to an exciting gamble feature.
How To Play Deuces Wild is a straightforward game of five-card draw and the aim is simply to form the best poker hand that you possibly can.
This is made easier as all the 2s act as wild cards and will substitute for any of the other cards to help you form a hand.
At the start of a round you need to set your coin size and select how many coins you want to bet per hand.
Above the cards you can see the paytable that details the different what is the best hand in poker with wildcards of winning hands and how much they payout.
There are five columns of payout values and the column you are playing for depends on how many coins you have bet.
For example, if you bet two coins per hand you are playing for the values in the second column from the left and if you bet five coins per hand you are playing for the values in the rightmost column and the largest possible payouts.
Then you need to see more which cards to hold.
The lowest winning hand is Three of a Kind and it is followed by Straight, Flush, Full House, Four of a Kind, Straight Flush, Five of a Kind, Wild Royal Flush, Four Deuces and a Natural Royal Flush.
The first two options give you the chance to bet all your winnings, or half of your winnings, to try to increase the payout.
You are shown a face-up card and need to pick from four facedown cards to find one that is higher what is the best hand in poker with wildcards value.
Best of all, the process can be repeated numerous times.
Payouts As explained above, the payouts change according to how many coins you have bet.
If you are betting one coin per hand then Three of a Kind pays 1x, Straight pays 2x, Flush pays 3x, Full House pays 4x, Four of a Kind pays 4x, Straight Flush pays 9x, Five of a Kind pays 15x, Wild Royal Flush pays 25x, Four Deuces pays 200x and a Royal Flush pays 250x.
If you are playing with more than one coin then the payouts are multiplied by how many coins you have bet.
For instance, if you are playing with three coins then Three of a Kind would pay 3x 1 x 3.
This rule is true for all hands except for a Royal Flush, which offers a boosted payout of 4000x if you are betting five coins per hand.
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Ranking All Poker Hands - Introduction to Poker Rules and Procedures (Part 1 of 2)
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