Best weapons for Havoc Demon Hunter [8.0.1]
Welcome to the ninth week of the RaiderIO Player Spotlight.
I hope to bring you valuable information and help you learn more about your favorite top players or discover new ones from around the world that you may not yet know.
This week, I had the pleasure of speaking with the North American Havoc Casino in scotland Hunter called.
Avade is one of the best Havoc Demon Hunters in the world in both Mythic+ and high-end Raiding.
Avade: My name is Dave and I started playing World of Warcraft at the start of Patch 4.
I got into Raiding on my Resto Please click for source Zevade in Patch 5.
In Legion, main swapped from Druid to Demon Hunter and started pushing high Mythic+ keys halfway through Patch 7.
Before the release of Patch 8.
VitaminP: What makes Havoc DH such a competitive class choice for both Mythic+ and Raiding?
Avade: What makes Havoc Demon Hunter a competitive class in both Mythic+ and Raiding is its mobility and a passive ability called : a debuff applied to enemies that increases their magic damage taken by 5%.
Combining both Chaos Brand and the Physical damage version provided by Monks can essentially accelerate the speed at which enemies die by 5%, which is difficult to visualize without diving into logs.
What makes Havoc unique is its mobility, which enables them to use their utility more efficiently compared to other melee classes.
In Mythic+, this allows for them to get around quickly to place a stun, CC, interrupt, or taunt and kite for a tank, all while maintaining high uptime and dealing efficient cash strategy best poker games for on packs.
VitaminP: What are your go-to azerite traits and talent builds?
What variations might you make for different keys or for raid bosses and why?
A fight like Mekkatorque is a good example to show how both talents can be useful.
Soul Rending is excellent for helping to out-heal the constant ticking raid damage and keeps you healthy.
Netherwalk allows you to safely and line of sight your earlier and requires less healing while you run out, as well as giving you an answer to a potential best in slot demon hunter, such as standing in or.
With the introduction of Reaping, Eyes of Rage becomes more valuable as with more mobs, there are more enemies that you have the potential to kill which will drops Soul Fragments.
Additionally, with there being such a high number of targets, stunning with Chaos Nova will also generate a significant amount of Soul Fragments.
This allows you to cast far more Eye Beams over the course of a dungeon.
VitaminP: What do you think of the new seasonal affix versus?
Which do you find more difficult and which affects the speed of a key more?
Infested was more difficult because, if crowd control was mistakenly broken during a pull, especially damage over time effectsit would be difficult to recover as most crowd control abilities have long cooldowns in BFA, such as, or.
To make matters worse, letting a mob get by a was very punishing since it caused nearby enemies to from the newly Infested enemy.
Luckily, Havoc Demon Hunter was especially strong at managing the various aspects of the Infested best in slot demon hunter />This difference is larger when you look at Infested patterns in specific dungeons on specific affixes, as some weeks the particular Infested mobs in combination with weekly affixes would be very difficult to deal with and consume a lot of time if those mobs happened to be the more powerful enemies that were immune to CC click here enemies that were separated best in slot demon hunter other Infested enemies to prevent efficient ways of killing multiple Infested enemies together.
I find that Reaping can easily trick players into choosing high multi-target burst talents and Azerite traits for dungeons to prepare for Reaping, when Reaping damage is actually fairly inconsequential to your success in a key.
What matters most in Mythic+ is increasing the speed of the dungeon as a whole while also making sure that you have the tools to deal with difficult trash or bosses.
VitaminP: Recently, we saw that you topped the DPS meters and got rank 1 Havoc DH parse for your Mythic Stormwall Blockade kill… all while accidentally wearing your ilevel 78 Engineering Rocket Boots.
What ran through your mind the second you saw this?
Avade: I was slightly annoyed that I forgot to put my regular boots back on after best in slot demon hunter to race my friend to the boss wearing a race which I won, by the way.
To me, the rank I got on that fight means nothing since these are progresion parses and everyone is focused on ensuring the boss dies rather than their personal rank.
VitaminP: What are some of the ways to use to dodge mechanics in Mythic+?
However, there are some notable things that can really help you and your group take less damage.
For starters, there a lot of tank mechanics that can be dodged that you can abuse by either taunting the enemy or having the tank kite.
This trick requires a lot of practice and understanding to perform it correctly and consistently.
In Freehold, you can dodge which would otherwise deal high damage.
In Tol Dagor, you can dodge all the casts bywhich allows you to solo soak each one for your entire group.
Anything you can share?
Avade: I would highly suggest using to track your various buffs, debuffs, abilities cooldowns, and dungeon mechanics.
WeakAuras is extremely useful and is the most important addon to have.
This addon is also a must.
Any Mythic+ timer addon works, but I use because it best in slot demon hunter the first one I ever downloaded.
It gives detailed information about when you killed certain bosses, exactly how much trash you have left, etc.
I always set my focus to an important enemy that I know I will need to interrupt.
For any interrupts that are less important, I simply use a mouseover macro to be lazy.
However, you should never rely on a mouseover macro the same way as a focus macro.
Try to find a Mythic+ group or a Raiding guild that shares your same vision.
What kind of skills might they need to sharpen or consider?
Avade: The best advice I can give is to ask yourself what your main goal is.
The best results in best in slot demon hunter game are usually produced by a group of people that share the same goal.
Try to find a Mythic+ group best in slot demon hunter a Raiding guild that shares your same vision.
For high-end Raiding, you want to learn how to do damage without having to focus too hard on your rotation so that you can perform mechanics effectively.
Do plenty of research and practice on the bosses ahead of time to learn and perfect the mechanics and also ensure that you are playing consistently.
Dealing good damage best in slot demon hunter secondary to respecting certain mechanics and being consistent makes you reliable, which is one of the main qualities that guilds look for in their players.
In Mythic+, the most important thing is to always take responsibility for the things that go wrong in your groups.
If the tank died, could you have taunted for him and kited temporarily?
If magnificent best games to play at greektown casino agree died to a telegraphed mechanic, could you have called it out in voice?
Could you have used your differently to accelerate a difficult pull that ended up wiping the group instead of using them earlier?
Could you have used your utility at more opportune moments to save a wipe?
So many people underestimate how much power they have over the success of their own groups, and unfortunately most people default to blaming others for their inability to reach higher key levels when in reality there is always something they could have done better.
She is the Social Media Manager for and a who plays all tanks at max level and is excited to have more time now to push for the next MDI with her team:,and.
Best Trinkets for Havoc Demon Hunter [8.0.1]
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