I'm looking for a good Slot Machine app that doesn't require In-App purchases.
The only decent one I found was but it doesn't have a horizontal mode and the sound effects are soft.
I purchased them this so they're settling for now.
This app hasn't been updated in two years and only has a vertical mode.
My folks would never understand the concept of an in-app purchase thus I wan't an app I can best free slot machine app iphone outright.
They would be playing on an iPodTouch 4th Gen and an iPad Mini 2.
Also if the game has multiple types best free slot machine app iphone machines it would great if at least one was the standard three tumbler interface for familiarity.
This is a x-post from iOS subreddit, I should have posted here first.
My grandpa downloaded Pharaohs Way slots and he loves it.
He has never once paid for in app purchases and he managed to accumulate over 3 billion worth of coins a shit ton.
I myself played it for a long time and never once had to spend real money.
You get free bonus coins every 3 hours and it's very generous.
Sounds perfect for your needs.
Definitely check it out.
EDIT: Finding a slot game with zero option for IAP will be close to impossible.
Because of the genre, I think only a handful of them will be pay once, and I doubt they're any good.
You're right in that it looks like buying coins may not be an issue with the game but it looks too non-standard from the classic three wheel slot machine.
Even I couldn't quite figure-out what to do when it was showing me multiple paylines on what looks like a win.
Wasn't sure if I was supposed to touch someplace or what.
My dad's eyesight is bad due to glaucoma so simple symbols would be better.
You're also right that it's a challenge to find what I'm asking for.
The best iOS free slot app click at this page PCH Slots by Publisher's Clearinghouse.
It was free, had standard classic slot graphics cherrys, bars, PCH bonus badge and the sound was exactly the same as the real slot machine.
But they pulled it from the App Store.
I still have it in my library so it's at least on their iPodTouch I let them use it's on my iCloud account but the iPad is on their account so it can't be installed.
The only negative with it was it was vertical orientation only.
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