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Casino comps have become almost mythical.
So many gambling experts write that players grumble the casinos are giving out fewer comps than before.
My dad remembers when a Las Vegas casino offered free hotel rooms for anyone who would visit Vegas in the 1980s.
At the time, it was the most expensive casino in Vegas.
The Mirage was built on a seven-year financing deal, and it paid off the loans in less than two years.
Corporate gaming had finally arrived as a casino online in the world best business.
Casinos make their money on the games.
They only build hotels so that players have someplace to sleep and clean up in-between gambling sessions.
They only build restaurants so that hungry players get back to gaming as soon as possible.
It makes sense that players should be awarded discounts on as many non-gambling activities as possible.
That creates a more valuable experience for the visitors and their families.
Comps exist, and they will never go away.
The casinos reserve the biggest freebies for whales.
So how can everyone else get more free stuff if the casinos are cutting back?
Here are the latest ways to improve your earn rate on comps.
The player cards are a 2-edged sword.
They not only award us points for playing time, but they track our activities.
Casinos plan their gaming and future rewards around our activities.
One year my wife and I counted no less than six casino member rewards cards for each of us.
We were playing that often at the casinos.
That was when I began to look at reward programs differently.
I asked myself why it took so long for us to earn anything more than a sandwich.
The answer was right in front of us.
We were dividing our time between too many casinos.
And, honestly, a couple of those rewards cards were for out-of-state casinos.
We just signed up automatically.
The casinos win by not having to pay you any comps at all.
Variety is not only the spice of life.
In towns where three or more casinos compete directly against each other, the casinos are paying off fewer rewards per capita.
When deciding which will be your favorite casino, along with other factors like game choices, parking, distance, and prices for their amenities.
They redeem rewards points for discounts or freebies.
At the same time, they ran a semi-annual sale, discounting hotel rooms by 25%.
Looking beyond the semi-annual sale, has a chart laying out what the four status levels give you.
Just scanning reviews on TripAdvisor, I found people raving about the discounts and freebies they got for having achieved Diamond Status.
The rules may vary, but people who only visit casinos on rare occasions may have friends who visit more often.
By the same token, parents can gift their children rewards points.
A single donation can bump a player up from Gold tier status to Silver-tier status.
Study the rewards program rules carefully.
The last thing anyone wants to do is inadvertently violate the rules.
If transfers are available, they should be mentioned in the rules.
The more money you wager, the more points you earn.
In most casinos, the earn rate for points is the same across a majority of games.
Players earn points at a lower rate on certain types of wagers.
The other side of that coin is to watch your gambling budget.
Playing games with a lower house edge like blackjack and baccarat helps you accumulate learn more here points because your money lasts longer.
Players who only want to play slots should find machines with the highest theoretical return to player.
Video poker and video blackjack games may offer multiple points for multi-hand games.
Check the rules on display before assuming that is the case.
It may also pay to do some basic math.
One gambler realized that the Seminole Hard Rock casinos in Florida were on different slot machines.
While it makes sense to be conservative when playing with a small bankroll, raising the bet after a nice win is a way to increase the comps earn rate.
Some games may award points at a higher rate for larger bets.
As always, check the rules before assuming that is so.
And when feeling lucky players can try wagering on high house edge games.
The points may be awarded on the basis of the house edge.
That was probably how the Seminole Hard Rock casinos in Florida adjusted their rewards points per game.
Some players feel that busy table games may cheat them of points.
The pit boss may not always enter the right numbers into the system for players with cards.
In a busy casino, the and video card games are more reliable.
By trading a little bit of player advantage for a high house edge, the comps come in faster.
And a player needs a little variety to keep the experience fun and exciting.
If it fits the business budget, players can best casinos for comps up points for use at a later time by staying at their favorite casinos.
Local residents often eat at the restaurants inside the casinos.
Anyone who lives and works in Vegas can earn points throughout the year by signing up for a rewards program and eating lunch at the buffet or sandwich shop.
Resisting the urge to play a game or two on lunch best slot machines to play at foxwoods takes a little discipline.
But best casinos for comps reward becomes sweeter as the unused points grow larger.
Conclusion One tip circulating on the Internet is to trick pit bosses into recording higher average bets than you normally play.
Say you sit down at a blackjack table.
Then you drop to the minimum.
This is a cheap, cheesy way to earn points.
And there are other tricks, too.
Maybe some casinos best casinos for comps it slide, but there is no reason to be greedy with comps.
They are still read article offered and available everywhere.
Comps are a natural competitive business practice.
The comps may evolve over time, but players should look forward to enhancing their gaming experiences with as many discounts and free offers as possible.
Even if you only qualify for free valet parking, accept it.
That makes the time spent in a casino a little more fun.
In fact, the oldest known gambling device was the astragal.

How The Casino Comp System Works!

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