Casino stock carnage: Does Vegas have a problem?
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Investors have been best casino stock them at an even greater pace than your average non-casino stock that tanked with the rest of the market in late 2018.
Buying equity in a business that depends on the dollars of tourists is great when the economy is strong and booming, but once that environment begins to change, it becomes a matter of who can get away quickly.
The index now is testing the June, 2016 dip level.
The company had a good year of earnings last year and the 5-year record is positive.
Long-term debt exceeds shareholder source by 6 times which might be one of the reasons for the rather steep short float of 16%.
The stock now trades for 48.
Long-term debt slightly exceeds shareholder equity, but nothing like Caesars.
LVS continues to pay a 6.
But the drop to 22 means the stock has given back more than half the gain.
Long-term debt exceeds shareholder equity by more than 2 times.
The company pays a dividend yield that comes to 2.
Boyd Gaming Corporation weekly price chart.
Things completely reversed over the next 12 months and now Boyd best casino stock all the way back to 19 again.
Earnings were off last year.
Long-term debt exceeds shareholder equity by more than 3 times.
The short float at 6.
check this out did, however, learn to count cards at the blackjack tables of these and other Sin City casinos.
You can read about my card-counting exploitsand.
I do not hold positions in these investments.
No recommendations are made one way or the other.
You can lose money trading or investing in stocks and other instruments.
Always do your own independent research, due diligence and seek professional advice from a licensed investment advisor.
My Marketocracy work is profiled in The Warren Buffetts Next Door: The World's Greatest Investors You've Never Heard Of by Forbes Investments Best casino stock Matt Schifrin.
I'm a… Read More My Marketocracy work is profiled in The Warren Buffetts Next Door: The World's Greatest Investors You've Never Heard Of by Forbes Investments Editor Matt Schifrin.
I'm a 1972 graduate of the University of North Carolina.
Casino stock carnage: Does Vegas have a problem?
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